

Applications can be submitted here:

Thanks to the generosity of the Scotiabank Center for Customer Analytics, the Conflict Analytics Lab will be hiring several motivated individuals to assist with the development of CAL’s projects (including There are currently four positions open for consideration (see below for more information). In addition, students are expected to assist with research projects as needed.

Pay: $20/hour

Work commitment: 5-10 hours/week

Student Director of Development

The Student Director of Development is responsible for the management of the Conflict Analytics Lab in regards to project management.

Responsibilities will include:

  1. Evaluating and identifying new project opportunities
  2. Assisting in the development of projects
  3. Assisting with the launch of completed projects
  4. Design the 1L volunteer program

Talent Coordinator

The Student Coordinator is responsible for managing the talent in CAL.

Responsibilities will include:

  1. Ensuring Volunteers and members of the practicum are being utilized to their full potential
  2. Working with project leaders to ensure that each project has the necessary legal and computer science necessary to succeed.
  3. Create, track and oversee progress reports
  4. Planning guest speakers and legal tech related programming for practicum members and volunteers

Communications and Outreach Officer

The Communications Officer is responsible for liaising between CAL and external parties.

Responsibilities will include:

  1. Securing partnerships between CAL and industry leaders
  2. Planning events that involve guest speakers in the legal tech space at Queen’s Law
  3. Assisting with the recruitment of 1L volunteers and the 1L volunteer program

Tech and Innovation Officer

The Tech and Innovation Officer is responsible for assisting project leaders to develop and deploy legal tech tools.

Responsibilities will include:

  1. Working with project ideas early on in the development process and assisting teams with creating feasible strategies in regards to algorithm design and data collection.
  2. Communicate with industry experts to ensure that CAL is up to date with developments in the legal tech space and continues to be on the cutting edge