by: Catherine Blair

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot powered by Artificial Intelligence. The chatbot uses the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (“GPT”) language model to use information from the Internet to generate text. This language model allows the user to chat with the bot about a wide variety of topics. Because the data is collected from the Internet, ChatGPT can generate realistic responses that closely resemble text written by a human. 

What is the history of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI, an Artificial Intelligence research company based in San Francisco. In 2015, OpenAI was co-founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman [1]. The company is backed by prominent investors in the tech sphere, including Microsoft [2]. OpenAI’s mission is to develop Artificial Intelligence that outperforms humans at most economically valuable work, while ensuring these systems safely benefit all of humanity [3]. 

ChatGPT was released to the public in June 2020 [4] but gained popularity in November 2022 [2]. Much of ChatGPT’s popularity stems from its accessibility – it is currently free for anyone to use by creating an account on OpenAI’s website. 

On February 1, 2023, OpenAI released ChatGPT Plus, a paid subscription service. For $20/month, subscribers in the United States will receive faster response times, priority access to new features, and will have access to ChatGPT during peak times [5]. OpenAI has stated that there is a plan to expand access to ChatGPT Plus to additional countries in the future [5]. As of February 16, 2023, OpenAI still offers free access to ChatGPT. 

What can ChatGPT be used for?

ChatGPT can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks. Online brands can utilize ChatGPT to power virtual customer support systems that can generate automatic replies to questions from customers. ChatGPT can be used to assist writers in generating content such as targeted email campaigns, product descriptions, and even essays in a matter of seconds. 

Does ChatGPT have any limitations?

Although it may appear as though ChatGPT’s abilities are unbounded, ChatGPT, like any Artificial Intelligence language program, has its limitations. 

The most obvious limitation is that the chatbot cannot perform physical tasks. For example, in the context of market research, ChatGPT may have the database to determine market trends and predict consumer behavior, but ChatGPT lacks the ability to conduct in-person focus groups [6].

Another limitation arises from the fact that ChatGPT lacks the emotions and feelings of a human. Although ChatGPT can mimic human responses, it lacks the ability to communicate content to users in a manner that evokes emotion. ChatGPT cannot convey the personality and emotion that is required to set the tone of certain writing pieces, such as argumentative essays and works of fiction. 

Lastly, because the chatbot uses information from the Internet to generate responses to input from users, not all of ChatGPT’s responses will be accurate. As we know, not everything online is true. Although ChatGPT can provide answers to questions in many subjects, it may not produce the most dependable answer.


ChatGPT is a powerful chatbot developed by an Artificial Intelligence research company known as OpenAI. The bot gathers information from the Internet to reply to prompts input by users while mimicking the style by which a human would reply. ChatGPT’s abilities are restricted by what is available on the Internet, meaning that it may not output the most reliable information. ChatGPT also lacks the ability to deliver the “human touch” of personality and emotion in its responses. This suggests that the bot may not be useful in generating pieces of text in which the tone of the writing is important for the reader to gain contextual understanding of the piece. 

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